With news that another cat will soon live in the White House, here’s a litter history of all the most famous felines to have served as First Cat.

Do Cats Like Music?
Curious whether your cat likes music?

It’s not just us cat parents wondering whether our fur babies enjoy the musical stylings we play in our homes. A team of scientists actually looked into what cats prefer in music a few years back, and the results are quite interesting.
The study showed that cats do like music when it reflects noises they make naturally. So, while they likely won’t appreciate your musical tastes, they do tend to appreciate music in the same range as their heartbeat, acoustics, and the noises they make vocally, like purring.
Let’s get the scoop on the science behind why cats like music.
Why Do Cats Prefer Different Music than Humans? 🎵
Cats experience sounds much differently than we do, as they can hear sounds both higher and lower than our human ears pick up, so it makes sense they don’t necessarily enjoy the same sounds we do.
Plus, they have 32 muscles in their ears, so they can turn their ears toward the source of the noise for even better clarity.
So, how can you tell when your best bud enjoys music?
How to Know When Your Cat Likes Music 🎶
Since cats don’t recognize sounds the way we do, human music doesn’t tend to mean particularly much to them.

Most often, cats remain indifferent to human genres of music like classical and rock and roll. However, in some cases, cats showed a preference for music made specifically for cats by rubbing against the speakers, moving around more or even purring.
The most well-known creator of cat music is David Teie, whose music was used to test cats’ responses in the study we mentioned earlier.
That said, though your cat may be inclined to respond to cat music, it won’t necessarily affect their emotions the way we respond to sad ballads or exciting dance beats. So, putting on some feline beats to calm your cat may not be as effective as you’d like.
More likely, they’ll respond the way they would naturally to the sound of another cat purring by joining in or reacting with excitement to bird calls, depending on what style of cat music is playing.
If you’re looking to please your cat, you should definitely look into more cat-targeted music to see if they respond like the cats in the study.
For more human-pleasing music, check out the playlist we curated filled with cat classics. It’s the ultimate Cat Love playlist!