Thinking of adopting a cat? Make sure you can afford it first. We break down the costs of cat ownership, so you know what to expect before you adopt.

A Litter Appearance on the No. 1 Cat Podcast
If you like reading about how our natural cat litter changes lives, then you’re going to love listening to our latest appearance on Cattitude, the “No.1 cat podcast and best cat radio show for cat lovers.”
Hosted by Michelle Fern on Pet Life Radio, the podcast episode features our very own Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger, senior manager of insights and innovation at World’s Best Cat Litter, introducing our latest litter additive, Health Check-In™ Boosters™, as well as newest litter formula, Poop Fighter® Maxmium Odor Defense, along with sharing a few of the litter details on a groundbreaking new study we released shedding light on cat owners’ concerns.
The podcast, ”Paws and Reflect: Why 54% of Cat Owners are Losing Sleep Over Litter Box Woes,” also features Flickinger sharing tips for cat owners, as well as thoughts on litter box best practices and common cat questions.
When the Litter Box Talks: What Cat Parents Should Be Watching For
00:00:02.100 –> 00:00:03.920
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.
00:00:03.920 –> 00:00:25.060
Announcer: Let’s Talk Pets.
00:00:25.120 –> 00:00:26.240
Michelle Fern: Hello, cat lovers.
00:00:26.240 –> 00:00:27.500
Michelle Fern: Welcome to Cattitude.
00:00:27.500 –> 00:00:29.920
Michelle Fern: I’m your show host, Michelle Fern.
00:00:29.920 –> 00:00:31.740
Michelle Fern: Today, it’s all about the poop.
00:00:31.915 –> 00:00:38.275
Michelle Fern: Well, not really poop, but it’s all about the litter box, which is so important to us cat parents.
00:00:38.275 –> 00:00:43.375
Michelle Fern: So my guest today has all kinds of information for us about the litter box.
00:00:43.375 –> 00:00:45.955
Michelle Fern: I am excited to introduce you to her.
00:00:45.955 –> 00:00:48.895
Michelle Fern: We will be right back after this message.
00:00:51.735 –> 00:00:54.755
Announcer: You know the expression; cats have nine lives.
00:00:55.035 –> 00:00:57.555
Announcer: Well, what if you can give them one more?
00:00:57.555 –> 00:01:03.135
Announcer: The GiveThemTen movement is on a mission to help give cats an extra life.
00:01:03.135 –> 00:01:03.875
Announcer: How?
00:01:03.875 –> 00:01:05.455
Announcer: With spay and neuter.
00:01:05.455 –> 00:01:10.255
Announcer: Spaying or neutering your cat helps them live a longer, healthier life.
00:01:10.255 –> 00:01:14.515
Announcer: And it helps control free roaming cat populations too.
00:01:14.515 –> 00:01:22.555
Announcer: Learn more about the benefits of spay and neuter and meet Scooter, the neutered cat, at
00:01:22.895 –> 00:01:26.675
Announcer: That’s GiveThem T-E-N dot org.
00:01:28.275 –> 00:01:30.815
Announcer: Let’s talk pets on
00:01:41.645 –> 00:01:42.965
Michelle Fern: Welcome back, everyone.
00:01:42.965 –> 00:01:44.265
Michelle Fern: I’d like to welcome Dr.
00:01:44.265 –> 00:01:45.785
Michelle Fern: Elizabeth Flickinger.
00:01:45.785 –> 00:01:51.745
Michelle Fern: She is an animal nutritionist and knows so much about the litter box.
00:01:51.745 –> 00:01:52.805
Michelle Fern: Welcome, Dr.
00:01:52.805 –> 00:01:54.205
Michelle Fern: Elizabeth Flickinger.
00:01:54.205 –> 00:01:56.445
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Hi, Michelle, I’m delighted to be here.
00:01:56.445 –> 00:01:58.165
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Please feel free to call me Beth.
00:01:58.165 –> 00:01:58.585
Michelle Fern: Okay.
00:01:58.585 –> 00:02:01.605
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: I’m so excited to talk with cat owners today.
00:02:01.605 –> 00:02:02.705
Michelle Fern: Okay, wonderful.
00:02:02.705 –> 00:02:03.965
Michelle Fern: Thanks, Beth.
00:02:03.965 –> 00:02:10.485
Michelle Fern: So, you know, as cat parents, you know, cats are hard to detect any kind of issues.
00:02:10.765 –> 00:02:12.265
Michelle Fern: They’re stoic creatures.
00:02:12.265 –> 00:02:21.165
Michelle Fern: So we turn to the litter box, you know, but we don’t always, I think, as pet parents know what in the world we’re looking for in the litter box.
00:02:21.165 –> 00:02:23.125
Michelle Fern: Are they doing their business in there?
00:02:23.125 –> 00:02:24.285
Michelle Fern: What’s going on?
00:02:24.285 –> 00:02:28.825
Michelle Fern: So what are some tips for pet parents with regards to litter box?
00:02:28.825 –> 00:02:32.605
Michelle Fern: Let’s take it a step back before we even look into the litter box.
00:02:32.605 –> 00:02:37.645
Michelle Fern: What are just some general overall tips for pet parents on litter boxes?
00:02:37.645 –> 00:02:38.765
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Absolutely, Michelle.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So some helpful things to keep in mind are that the number of litter boxes.
00:02:44.745 –> 00:02:49.825
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: It’s best to have one litter box per cat plus one extra.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So if you have two cats, that’s three litter boxes.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And those litter boxes should be on the larger side.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Cats need their space.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: You want a litter box that’s about one and a half times their body length, so they have room to move around and be comfortable.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And then you also want to keep those litter boxes in a quiet, calm place so the cats can feel safe.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: But also it should be easily accessible.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: You don’t want them to accidentally get locked out of their litter box.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And then with the litter box itself, you want to keep it clean.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: You want to scoop daily if possible.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: That’s certainly ideal.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Cats don’t like a dirty litter box, just like we don’t like a dirty bathroom.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And then don’t make any sudden changes with your cats.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Some cats are pretty chill with it, but most of them appreciate a slower transition over several days.
00:03:42.825 –> 00:03:46.845
Michelle Fern: Okay, so we’ll talk briefly about the types.
00:03:46.845 –> 00:03:49.105
Michelle Fern: So does it matter as much?
00:03:49.105 –> 00:03:54.085
Michelle Fern: There’s been a lot of discussion on this, and we could talk probably the whole show on just types of it.
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Michelle Fern: But whether it’s an automatic, a static box, a covered box, I don’t know, whatever other kind of box there is.
00:04:01.325 –> 00:04:03.485
Michelle Fern: I think I have one of each in my house.
00:04:03.485 –> 00:04:05.585
Michelle Fern: So does it matter the type?
00:04:05.585 –> 00:04:07.825
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Well, and that all depends on your cat.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So some cats are very aggressive diggers, and so owners like to get higher side boxes to help keep the litter in the box.
00:04:16.485 –> 00:04:22.945
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And that’s fine for most cats until they get a little bit older, and they might have trouble getting in and out.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So for older cats, we recommend one with one lower side so they can get in and out.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: But other than that, it’s really up to your cat.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: A standard litter box, as long as it’s big enough, and as long as you keep it clean, should work fine for most cats.
00:04:38.385 –> 00:04:39.465
Michelle Fern: Okay, thanks.
00:04:39.465 –> 00:04:43.505
Michelle Fern: Here’s another question that I hear so often.
00:04:43.505 –> 00:04:45.065
Michelle Fern: What about types of litter?
00:04:45.065 –> 00:04:46.585
Michelle Fern: There’s so much on the market.
00:04:46.585 –> 00:04:52.485
Michelle Fern: There’s clay, there’s wheat, there’s soy, there’s corn, there’s probably others I’m not thinking of.
00:04:52.485 –> 00:04:54.005
Michelle Fern: What about the types?
00:04:54.005 –> 00:04:54.885
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Absolutely.
00:04:54.885 –> 00:04:56.225
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: There are so many choices.
00:04:56.305 –> 00:05:00.985
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: It can be really hard for consumers to determine what’s right for their pet.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so I would in general recommend looking for a granular litter.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: That texture is preferred for most cats.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: I would also recommend looking for one that’s made from natural materials.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Because cats come into physical contact with that litter several times a day, and they could even eat the litter through regular grooming.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: They can get it on their paws and in their fur and then lick it off.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So you want to make sure that what’s going into them is safe.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And then I would also make sure that you’re looking for one that’s very low in dust, so that cats aren’t breathing in that dust.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And then finally, avoid using one that has really strong perfume.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Because cats have really sensitive noses, and this can be overwhelming to them.
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Michelle Fern: Are there any that you said no perfumes, but then you have the odor problem?
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Michelle Fern: So are there any that are not as perfumey, but still cover odor?
00:06:00.485 –> 00:06:01.105
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Sure.
00:06:01.845 –> 00:06:05.205
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So you can use lighter perfumes.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And World’s Best Cat Litter makes a product.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Our new cat litter product is called Poop Fighter, and it has a very light perfume and works.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Instead of competing with that odor, it blocks and neutralizes that odor, so you’re not smelling any nasty stuff.
00:06:22.425 –> 00:06:24.825
Michelle Fern: Okay, great information.
00:06:24.825 –> 00:06:31.025
Michelle Fern: Okay, let’s talk about what to look for in the litter box as we started our show with.
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Michelle Fern: So most cat parents look in the litter box.
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Michelle Fern: I don’t know if we all know what we’re looking for other than did they do their business?
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Michelle Fern: Is there some number ones and number twos in there?
00:06:42.345 –> 00:06:44.665
Michelle Fern: So what are we looking for?
00:06:44.665 –> 00:06:45.465
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Absolutely.
00:06:45.465 –> 00:06:50.365
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: We recently did a survey among a thousand cat parents in the US.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And nearly 60% of them report that it’s hard to tell what’s going on in the litter box, even though they’re trying to look at it every day.
00:06:59.405 –> 00:07:05.905
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so what you want to look for are changes from your cat’s usual pattern.
00:07:05.905 –> 00:07:12.665
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Now that can be a change in the number of daily visits, if they’re going more frequently or less frequently.
00:07:12.665 –> 00:07:19.265
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And you could also look for the clumps themselves, if they are larger than usual or smaller than usual.
00:07:19.745 –> 00:07:22.745
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: That all can signal a potential health issue.
00:07:22.745 –> 00:07:25.745
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And it’s time to schedule a visit with your veterinarian.
00:07:25.745 –> 00:07:26.225
Michelle Fern: Okay.
00:07:26.225 –> 00:07:30.445
Michelle Fern: And then that becomes kind of a challenge if you have more than one cat.
00:07:30.445 –> 00:07:31.625
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Absolutely.
00:07:31.625 –> 00:07:36.365
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Multicat households are the most common kind in the US.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And we love multicat households, but they do come with extra challenges.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so sometimes you’ll have to separate those cats into a room, their own room, with their own personal litter box.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Or sometimes they’ll each have their own preferred space.
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Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so those are some ways that you can help get a read on each individual cat.
00:07:58.245 –> 00:07:58.685
Michelle Fern: Okay.
00:07:58.685 –> 00:08:10.885
Michelle Fern: And there’s been a trend in some, you know, some new litters that are out there that turn colors or, you know, give indication for health.
00:08:10.885 –> 00:08:12.445
Michelle Fern: How effective is that?
00:08:12.445 –> 00:08:17.205
Michelle Fern: You know, they’ll pee and then maybe the litter turns, you know, a yellowish or greenish.
00:08:17.585 –> 00:08:22.045
Michelle Fern: And that has an indication of potential health issues with the cat.
00:08:22.045 –> 00:08:28.665
Michelle Fern: Are they that effective or is it just like some, like a little bit of a marketing ploy?
00:08:28.665 –> 00:08:30.465
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Great question, Michelle.
00:08:30.465 –> 00:08:38.205
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: You know, overall, it’s wonderful to see new products being introduced because cat owners really want to protect their cat.
00:08:38.205 –> 00:08:45.145
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So most of the products that are out there now, they do change color based on the urine’s pH.
00:08:45.145 –> 00:08:51.625
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And that means that it’ll turn a color at one color if it’s more acidic and another color if it’s more basic.
00:08:51.625 –> 00:08:58.165
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: pH is an OK indicator, but it can be a little misleading.
00:08:58.185 –> 00:09:08.045
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Urinary pH can change due to very normal everyday thing, like a big meal or drinking more water or less water.
00:09:08.045 –> 00:09:18.265
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Also, these kinds of litters require that you completely change over to something that your cat might not be used to and they might not be on board with that.
00:09:18.265 –> 00:09:22.845
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So it’s OK, but it’s not the best option out there.
00:09:22.845 –> 00:09:23.465
Michelle Fern: All right.
00:09:23.465 –> 00:09:27.745
Michelle Fern: There was, I know, one that came on to the market, and I’m not going to mention my name.
00:09:27.745 –> 00:09:33.765
Michelle Fern: And then recently I heard about another one that’s more mainstream, that now changes color.
00:09:33.765 –> 00:09:36.845
Michelle Fern: So, you know, some of these things are just trends.
00:09:36.845 –> 00:09:38.445
Michelle Fern: And sometimes the trends are important.
00:09:38.445 –> 00:09:43.745
Michelle Fern: And sometimes they’re just a trend that maybe doesn’t have a lot of basis and your pets help.
00:09:44.465 –> 00:09:45.705
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Yeah, absolutely.
00:09:45.705 –> 00:09:48.285
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: We all want to do the right thing for our cats.
00:09:48.285 –> 00:09:56.265
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And I think some products were quick to rush to market with something without doing the full due diligence.
00:09:56.265 –> 00:09:58.465
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And then others were quick to copy it.
00:09:58.465 –> 00:10:07.265
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so it’s really important to understand all the details of what those products are doing for your cat and not doing.
00:10:07.265 –> 00:10:07.985
Michelle Fern: Exactly.
00:10:07.985 –> 00:10:15.585
Michelle Fern: And sometimes I think, you know, way back, the first litter that came out, I mean, it’s pretty, but litter is not about pretty.
00:10:15.585 –> 00:10:18.345
Michelle Fern: It’s about mother nature for your cats.
00:10:18.345 –> 00:10:21.245
Michelle Fern: And it’s supposed to do what it’s supposed to do.
00:10:21.245 –> 00:10:24.505
Michelle Fern: So, but there’s things that we can find out by the litter.
00:10:24.505 –> 00:10:36.305
Michelle Fern: We’re going to take a short break and we’re going to talk about something that’s really new and innovative, I think, in the litter box market, in the cat world market called litter box additives.
00:10:36.305 –> 00:10:38.265
Michelle Fern: So we’ll be right back after this break.
00:10:41.945 –> 00:10:44.385
Announcer: Take a bite out of your competition.
00:10:44.385 –> 00:10:49.205
Announcer: Advertise your business with an ad in Pet Life Radio podcasts and radio shows.
00:10:49.205 –> 00:10:56.405
Announcer: There is no other pet related media that is as large and reaches more pet parents and pet lovers than Pet Life Radio.
00:10:56.405 –> 00:11:12.745
Announcer: With over 7 million monthly listeners, Pet Life Radio podcasts are available on all major podcast platforms and our live radio stream goes out to over 250 million subscribers on iHeartRadio, Audacy, TuneIn, and other streaming apps.
00:11:12.745 –> 00:11:19.585
Announcer: For more information on how you can advertise on the number one pet podcast and radio network, visit today.
00:11:24.965 –> 00:11:26.125
Announcer: Let’s talk pets.
00:11:26.125 –> 00:11:27.045
Announcer: Let’s talk pets.
00:11:27.045 –> 00:11:28.065
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: On Pet Life Radio.
00:11:28.065 –> 00:11:29.405
Announcer: Pet Life Radio.
00:11:29.405 –> 00:11:30.425
Announcer: Pet Life Radio.
00:11:41.900 –> 00:11:43.240
Michelle Fern: Welcome back, everyone.
00:11:43.240 –> 00:11:45.300
Michelle Fern: We’re talking to Dr.
00:11:45.300 –> 00:11:51.780
Michelle Fern: Beth, who is an animal nutritionist, and we’re talking about the litter box.
00:11:51.780 –> 00:11:55.640
Michelle Fern: So, Beth, there’s litter box additives on the market.
00:11:55.640 –> 00:11:58.700
Michelle Fern: This is something kind of new out there.
00:11:58.700 –> 00:12:01.040
Michelle Fern: What do they do and how do they work?
00:12:01.040 –> 00:12:02.540
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Great question, Michelle.
00:12:02.540 –> 00:12:08.020
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Litter additives work a lot like litter, but in much smaller quantity.
00:12:08.940 –> 00:12:14.960
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: They’re designed to be added to your cat’s regular litter to make it work better.
00:12:14.960 –> 00:12:17.800
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: There’s all kinds of different kinds out there.
00:12:17.800 –> 00:12:20.280
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: There are ones for odor control.
00:12:20.280 –> 00:12:23.260
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: There are ones to change the scent of the litter.
00:12:23.260 –> 00:12:26.200
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: That’s really more for the pet owners than for the cat.
00:12:26.200 –> 00:12:32.060
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And then there are ones to help attract your cat to the litter box to help with their behavior.
00:12:32.060 –> 00:12:37.300
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And then there are also ones that can help with monitoring your cat’s urinary health.
00:12:37.840 –> 00:12:38.140
Michelle Fern: Thanks.
00:12:38.140 –> 00:12:43.400
Michelle Fern: You mentioned one before about a poop fight booster, which helps with odors.
00:12:43.400 –> 00:12:46.660
Michelle Fern: That’s obviously more for the pet parent.
00:12:46.660 –> 00:12:48.660
Michelle Fern: What about the other ones?
00:12:48.980 –> 00:12:53.380
Michelle Fern: Well, I guess getting your cat to use the litter box is more for the pet parent too.
00:12:53.380 –> 00:13:00.360
Michelle Fern: I’m interested in that as one of my cats is, she’s misunderstood as I’ve come to determine and she doesn’t like the litter box.
00:13:00.360 –> 00:13:02.040
Michelle Fern: I think she’s scared of it.
00:13:02.040 –> 00:13:08.900
Michelle Fern: How would the additive help with her potentially using the litter box more frequently or at all?
00:13:08.900 –> 00:13:10.220
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Absolutely.
00:13:10.220 –> 00:13:21.100
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So there are additives, not very many out there, but World’s Best Cat Litter is just getting ready to introduce an litter additive called Litter Boosters.
00:13:21.100 –> 00:13:25.700
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: As I mentioned before, is for odor control, called Poop Fighter Boosters.
00:13:25.700 –> 00:13:34.000
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And the other one is to help with regularly using the litter box, and that’s called Good Habits Litter Boosters.
00:13:34.580 –> 00:13:41.160
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So what that has is an olfactory or something you can smell, a tractant, just for the cat.
00:13:41.160 –> 00:13:44.260
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: The owner can’t smell it, just the cat can smell it.
00:13:44.260 –> 00:13:54.040
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And it peaks their interest, and it helps draw them to the litter box, and make that litter box look like a good idea to them, better than the carpet.
00:13:54.040 –> 00:13:58.340
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so that’s what everybody wants for a good harmony in the cat household.
00:13:58.340 –> 00:14:00.520
Michelle Fern: That sounds really exciting.
00:14:00.520 –> 00:14:06.000
Michelle Fern: Is there an additive yet for health, or would that be the good habits booster?
00:14:06.000 –> 00:14:06.500
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Right.
00:14:06.500 –> 00:14:16.480
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So World’s Best Cat Litter is introducing a third booster, and that is specifically for monitoring your cat’s health.
00:14:16.480 –> 00:14:19.800
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: It’s called health check-in boosters.
00:14:19.800 –> 00:14:24.340
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so these are little granules that you sprinkle on top of the litter.
00:14:24.340 –> 00:14:31.620
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And instead of measuring pH, which can be a little bit questionable, it measures blood.
00:14:31.920 –> 00:14:42.140
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Now, blood sounds very scary, but it’s actually a really, really reliable indicator of cat’s urinary health.
00:14:42.140 –> 00:14:56.700
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And you can’t see blood in your cat’s urine, but if it is there in those invisible amount, it’s really clinically important for your cat to be seen by a veterinarian sooner than later.
00:14:56.700 –> 00:15:10.600
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So this health check-in product will turn blue if there’s blood in the urine and alert you early on to a urinary health issue with your cat so that you can get him or her the care that they need.
00:15:10.600 –> 00:15:13.600
Michelle Fern: How common are urinary health issues in cats?
00:15:13.600 –> 00:15:16.640
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: They actually are really common.
00:15:16.660 –> 00:15:20.280
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: One in four cats is at risk for that.
00:15:20.280 –> 00:15:28.420
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Things like dry, feeding only a dry diet or being a little bit overweight or being indoors all the time.
00:15:29.000 –> 00:15:38.060
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And also male cats, those four things increase a cat’s risk of having urinary health issues throughout the lifetime.
00:15:38.060 –> 00:15:43.980
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so it is actually really more common than what you would imagine.
00:15:43.980 –> 00:15:45.360
Michelle Fern: Here’s a question.
00:15:45.360 –> 00:15:50.560
Michelle Fern: Years ago, Dennis, one of my cats, had crystals in his urine.
00:15:50.560 –> 00:15:56.920
Michelle Fern: Would the health check-in booster have given me a heads up to that kind of an issue?
00:15:56.920 –> 00:15:57.420
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: It would.
00:15:57.720 –> 00:16:04.560
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So typically, when there are crystals, those can lead to urinary stones and blockage.
00:16:04.560 –> 00:16:13.920
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Those crystals can cause small irritations in the urinary tract, and that leads to a few red blood cells being present in the urine.
00:16:13.920 –> 00:16:26.220
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: It won’t be enough for you to see, and your cat might not be acting any differently yet, but this health check-in product would pick up that blood in the urine and give you an early indication that something is going on.
00:16:26.700 –> 00:16:32.520
Michelle Fern: That’s incredible because from when I think back, this is many years ago, but it was quite scary.
00:16:32.520 –> 00:16:41.680
Michelle Fern: Like as you mentioned, it’s very common in male cats because their penis is quite small, and it’s very common to get those stones and they can’t pass them.
00:16:41.680 –> 00:16:47.480
Michelle Fern: It actually, I remember when it happened, one place told us to put them down and we said no.
00:16:47.480 –> 00:16:52.280
Michelle Fern: We went to another vet and then he had his surgery, which I’m grateful for.
00:16:52.280 –> 00:16:54.540
Michelle Fern: It’s been about 10 years now, 11 years.
00:16:55.160 –> 00:16:58.140
Michelle Fern: No, maybe about 12 years and he’s doing fine.
00:16:58.140 –> 00:17:04.980
Michelle Fern: But very scary situation because you often don’t know if there’s a problem with your cat until it’s almost too late.
00:17:04.980 –> 00:17:06.980
Michelle Fern: They’re so good at hiding things.
00:17:06.980 –> 00:17:11.000
Michelle Fern: Okay, let’s talk about using the additive in the litter box.
00:17:11.000 –> 00:17:16.660
Michelle Fern: Is it safe for cats because they have so many issues with different things and different changes?
00:17:16.660 –> 00:17:18.760
Michelle Fern: So what about the safety?
00:17:18.820 –> 00:17:19.960
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Absolutely.
00:17:19.960 –> 00:17:24.520
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And safety is definitely something cat owners want to keep in mind.
00:17:24.520 –> 00:17:38.160
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So the advantage of using a litter box additive is that you can keep most of the litter box situation the same for your cat and avoid those unpleasant disruptions to their routine.
00:17:38.160 –> 00:17:46.620
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: When you’re thinking about safety and a litter box additive, it’s a lot of the same things when you think about safety and choosing a good litter.
00:17:47.200 –> 00:18:03.380
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: You want one that’s low dust, so that you’re not irritating their respiratory tract, and you want one that’s natural or safe if ingested, because cats are curious little beef, and sometimes they taste things that are in the litter box.
00:18:03.380 –> 00:18:09.980
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And then you want to avoid strong perfume because you don’t want to overwhelm the cat’s sensitive nose.
00:18:09.980 –> 00:18:11.020
Michelle Fern: Okay, thanks.
00:18:11.020 –> 00:18:14.880
Michelle Fern: Now, is it necessary for all cats or is this something?
00:18:14.880 –> 00:18:16.300
Michelle Fern: Do you want to do the health check-in?
00:18:16.700 –> 00:18:29.620
Michelle Fern: Just when you know the health check-in in the litter box additive, only when you notice, okay, my cat’s acting a little funny or my cat’s just a kitten, a couple of years old, they’re healthy, they’re fine.
00:18:29.620 –> 00:18:33.640
Michelle Fern: Let me wait until I don’t need this now, but maybe when they’re older.
00:18:33.640 –> 00:18:45.380
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Well, actually, that’s a kind of a mist because by the time your cat is showing any abnormal signs, likely they’ve been struggling with an issue for quite a while.
00:18:45.700 –> 00:18:50.640
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: They’re so good, as you mentioned, at hiding those health challenges.
00:18:50.640 –> 00:18:55.160
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so it’s really a good idea to use for any age pet.
00:18:55.160 –> 00:18:59.020
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Cats can get urinary tract issues at any age.
00:18:59.020 –> 00:19:04.840
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: They don’t have to be older, especially with those male cats that can hit quite young.
00:19:04.840 –> 00:19:10.460
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so it’s a good idea to use it all the time or on a regular basis.
00:19:10.460 –> 00:19:28.700
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And that way, when you find out that health challenge is happening, you have more options of how to take care of it and how to keep your cat healthy and safe than if you wait until it becomes a full blown major issue.
00:19:28.700 –> 00:19:28.940
Michelle Fern: Okay.
00:19:28.940 –> 00:19:33.700
Michelle Fern: And what about also using it and getting your cats used to it?
00:19:33.700 –> 00:19:50.360
Michelle Fern: Because I know when you’re changing litter, you generally have to do it in, you know, a gradual time period, so your cat doesn’t decide, oh, you know, if you do it all at once, cats don’t like change like most of us, most people, most other animals, they don’t like change.
00:19:50.360 –> 00:19:57.780
Michelle Fern: So I learned this when I changed litter completely and they all refuse to use litter box.
00:19:57.780 –> 00:20:00.440
Michelle Fern: So it should be gradual.
00:20:00.440 –> 00:20:06.680
Michelle Fern: But what if, you know, I have my litter, the same litter, and then I decide, okay, I want to use the additive.
00:20:06.680 –> 00:20:10.740
Michelle Fern: Does it need to be in spurts just a tiny bit at a time?
00:20:11.220 –> 00:20:17.800
Michelle Fern: Is it so undetected that the cats won’t notice it at all, but it just, it helps me?
00:20:17.800 –> 00:20:21.060
Michelle Fern: How is it going to affect my cats from using the box?
00:20:21.060 –> 00:20:22.720
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: I love this question.
00:20:22.720 –> 00:20:32.040
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So Michelle, if we’re following the good litter box practices, and we’ve got an extra litter box for every cat in the household.
00:20:32.040 –> 00:20:36.560
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So one litter box per cat plus one extra, there are a couple of things you can do.
00:20:37.800 –> 00:20:46.240
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: One is to not put the additive in every litter box in the house, but start with one, and then gradually add more.
00:20:46.240 –> 00:20:48.880
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So you’re always giving your cat choices.
00:20:48.880 –> 00:20:57.180
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: The other thing is to look at the product that you’re using and see if they’ve done their homework.
00:20:57.180 –> 00:21:11.940
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so World’s Best Cat Litter has tested the new health check-in booster with cats in their homes all across the US to make sure that they gave it to Paws Up.
00:21:11.940 –> 00:21:19.200
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: We don’t want to cause another problem with cats not liking the litter box now that there’s something new in there.
00:21:19.200 –> 00:21:25.060
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Especially if the owner thinks maybe something is already going on and that’s why they’re using the product.
00:21:25.060 –> 00:21:27.940
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: There’s no concern with the health check-in.
00:21:27.940 –> 00:21:29.800
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: It’s a very small amount.
00:21:29.800 –> 00:21:32.500
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: It’s very highly accepted by cats.
00:21:32.960 –> 00:21:42.260
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: But in general, if you think your cat is extra picky, I would recommend going slow and maybe just doing one litter box at a time.
00:21:42.260 –> 00:21:43.820
Michelle Fern: Okay, that’s good news.
00:21:43.820 –> 00:21:45.280
Michelle Fern: And that’s a great idea.
00:21:45.280 –> 00:21:57.140
Michelle Fern: And if you have multi-cats and you’re trying one at a time, I mean, sometimes what I’ll do is I’ll just go look at the box after one of them goes to just get an idea of what’s happening in there.
00:21:57.140 –> 00:21:57.560
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Right.
00:21:57.560 –> 00:22:01.740
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So with multiple cat households, the challenge is who done it, right?
00:22:01.860 –> 00:22:03.620
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And they’re all pointing at each other.
00:22:03.620 –> 00:22:12.780
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so the great thing with health check-in is that the color turns within about three seconds after your cat has gone.
00:22:12.780 –> 00:22:24.800
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: So if you are home and if you are able to follow them to the litter box or take a peek in there right after they exit, you will know immediately if it was that cat or not.
00:22:24.800 –> 00:22:39.400
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And again, if you’re not able to do that because you’re not at home, we recommend that you separate the cats with their own litter box for a few hours and let them do their business in a one-on-one situation.
00:22:39.400 –> 00:22:40.240
Michelle Fern: All right.
00:22:40.240 –> 00:22:42.700
Michelle Fern: Great, great advice.
00:22:42.700 –> 00:22:51.860
Michelle Fern: So, Beth, a lot of people listening are thinking, I buy litter, I do this, I already have good litter and I take care of my cats.
00:22:51.860 –> 00:22:53.880
Michelle Fern: This is yet another thing.
00:22:53.880 –> 00:23:02.420
Michelle Fern: What would you tell those listeners as far as for the healthy check-in additive, as why they really need this in their household, they need this in their litter box?
00:23:02.420 –> 00:23:03.480
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Great question.
00:23:03.480 –> 00:23:08.220
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so taking care of cats can really add up.
00:23:08.220 –> 00:23:10.540
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And one of those is medical care.
00:23:10.540 –> 00:23:19.440
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so with a product like World’s Best Cat Litter Health Check-in, one packet lasts up to three weeks.
00:23:19.440 –> 00:23:22.100
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so you get a lot of mileage out of it.
00:23:22.460 –> 00:23:32.200
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And then what you’re doing is paying a little bit now and trying to avoid large vet bills in the future.
00:23:32.200 –> 00:23:38.600
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: And so this doesn’t replace your regular medical care for your cat, your regular checkups.
00:23:38.600 –> 00:23:40.440
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: You still want to do those.
00:23:40.440 –> 00:23:57.180
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: But what we’re trying to do is help cat owners get a read on a problem early so that they can take small steps that are less expensive and extend the life and the health and the healthy years of their cat.
00:23:57.180 –> 00:23:59.560
Michelle Fern: Don’t we all want to do that?
00:23:59.560 –> 00:24:00.560
Michelle Fern: Always.
00:24:00.560 –> 00:24:07.580
Michelle Fern: Where can people find World’s Best Cat Litter, Healthy Check-in Additive, as well as the other litter box additives?
00:24:07.660 –> 00:24:08.700
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Absolutely.
00:24:08.700 –> 00:24:20.440
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: It’s available nationally in the US., online, through things like Amazon and Chewy, and it’ll be available in a pet store near you in the very near future.
00:24:20.440 –> 00:24:21.220
Michelle Fern: Wonderful.
00:24:21.220 –> 00:24:22.040
Michelle Fern: Wonderful.
00:24:22.040 –> 00:24:31.940
Michelle Fern: Well, I want to thank you so much for coming on Cattitude and sharing all of this fabulous information about the litter box and also about litter box additives.
00:24:31.940 –> 00:24:33.280
Michelle Fern: Thank you so much.
00:24:33.280 –> 00:24:34.300
Dr. Elizabeth Flickinger: Thank you, Michelle.
00:24:34.300 –> 00:24:35.920
Michelle Fern: I hope you all enjoyed this show.
00:24:36.420 –> 00:24:44.600
Michelle Fern: Remember, check the litter box and I really like the idea of litter box additives because they can give you such a heads up as to your cat’s health.
00:24:44.600 –> 00:24:49.820
Michelle Fern: I want to thank Beth for coming on Cattitude and sharing this information.
00:24:49.820 –> 00:24:52.500
Michelle Fern: Thanks to everyone listening to Cattitude.
00:24:52.500 –> 00:24:56.440
Michelle Fern: I so appreciate your listening loyalty.
00:24:56.440 –> 00:24:56.920
Michelle Fern: Thank you.
00:24:56.920 –> 00:24:57.760
Michelle Fern: Thank you.
00:24:57.760 –> 00:25:07.020
Michelle Fern: And thanks to my cats, Dennis, Charlotte and Molly for keeping me up to date and always making sure the litter box is something I view.
00:25:07.020 –> 00:25:10.900
Michelle Fern: So thank you for always using the litter box except for Charlotte.
00:25:10.900 –> 00:25:18.660
Michelle Fern: And of course, thank you so much to my producer, Mark Winter, for working his magic and making me and my guests sound amazing.
00:25:18.660 –> 00:25:21.420
Michelle Fern: Now remember, lose the attitude.
00:25:21.420 –> 00:25:23.480
Michelle Fern: Have Cattitude.
00:25:23.480 –> 00:25:24.820
Announcer: Let’s Talk Pets.
00:25:24.820 –> 00:25:26.860
Announcer: Every Week On Demand.
00:25:26.860 –> 00:25:29.500
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