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Are Black Cats Bad Luck?
Black cats get a bad rap.
Believe it or not, many of the superstitions we hold today about black cats started back in the Middle Ages. These legends and myths, however, are actually not much to meow about when you start to look at the actual facts.
So, let’s dispel the biggest black cat myth of them all.
Black Cats: Bad Luck or Bad rap?
In the Middle Ages, Europeans thought black cats were unlucky because they were wrongfully associated with the plague.

And given their link to Halloween and witchcraft, it’s understandable how these adorable felines can get cast into a bad light.
But the truth is, while some cultures consider them bad luck, many others view black cats as symbols of good luck—at least in certain situations.
Countries like Russia, Japan, and Great Britain all prize the lucky black cat.
In Scottish lore, if a black cat appears on your front porch, it will bring you prosperity.
In Ireland, Germany, and the UK, however, black cats may only be deemed lucky if they cross your path in a certain direction.
In the English Midlands, a black cat may actually be considered a good-luck wedding present.
So instead of clutching your pearls every time you cross a black cat, make it the best part of your day. Because, let’s be honest, any chance encounter with a cat is a dream come true! Speaking of dreams…

What Does it Mean to Have a Black Cat Dream?
Many people believe that black cat dreams are lucky.
However, another theory is that when a black cat appears in your dreams, it symbolizes that you are afraid to follow your own intuition, or use your own psychic ability.
But anyone who has a black can attest to this: They are a dream to live with!
Why are Black Cats Associated with Magic and Halloween?
I’m sure you’ve noticed most classic Halloween movie cats are black (such as Thackery Binx from “Hocus Pocus”), but black cats actually have nothing to do with the origins of Halloween.

Halloween was originally a Celtic holiday used to honor ancestors, as well as a Catholic holiday meant to mark the day before all saints became hallowed, or sanctified. So why do we associate it with black cats?
In the Middle Ages, black cats were mostly nocturnal.
Those who believed in magic thought that black cats were either servants of witches who roamed the streets for them at night or even witches in disguise! Part of the reason they believed this was because it was often unmarried women who shared their attention with the stray cats on the streets, and who were most often accused of being witches.
But there is no denying it—black cats make for a great costume and the real thing is a real treat!
Now that we’ve debunked these black cat superstitions and myths, you can celebrate all of the lucky black cats just in time for Halloween. Do you have a black cat that you’d like to celebrate? Post a picture to our Facebook page.