Cat hairballs are a regular part of living a cat life. But you can help your best bud to reduce their occurrence and prevent digestive blockages with special cat hairball gels, regular grooming and a grain-free diet.

Great Cat Photography: 10 Tips to Achieve that Purrfect Pose
Like any good cat parent, your phone’s camera roll is likely chocked to the brim with snapshots of your cat napping away on the couch, striking a pose, and generally being their adorable self.
But let’s be real, about half of the photos you’ve snapped of your cat are no good — they’re blurry, with bad lighting and may or may not include a few fingers in the frame. They’re definitely not going to win any cat photo contests.
But don’t worry. We’re here to help.
The Key To Great Cat Photography
Capturing a great photo of your cat is a lot like your average game of cat and mouse; it can take forever and may not end up in a clear victory for either side.
The key to great cat photography, or photography in general, is respecting your subject — which in this case is an easily distracted kitty cat that would much rather be bathing in the sun or making biscuits than posing for your next Instagram post.
So the next time you ask Mr. Fluffkins if he’s ready for his cat close up, be sure you’re using some or all of the following cat photography tips.
10 Tips to Take Your Cat Photography to the Next Level
It’s time for some Cat Photography 101. The good news, you don’t need a fancy camera to capture your cat looking their best; just follow these tips and your fur baby will be looking fine in all of your photos from now on.
1. Hands Off the Flash
While you may be tempted to turn on that bright light – forget the flash. It will only wash out your photo and give your cat creepy glowing eyes. Wait for the daylight to take their picture, so they don’t end up looking like a red-eyed gremlin.
2. Quality Over Quantity
Sure, it’s easy to want to take 300 pictures of your cat – but if they’re all blurry, what’s the use? Take your photos with a real camera or a newer phone camera to help improve the clarity, so you can actually go back and enjoy them later.
3. Get on Their Level
Don’t be afraid to get low. Taking a photo from down on your cats level will make them look larger than life, regal, and the focus of your photo. Sometimes those photos from above are great, but you’ve gotta get up close and personal to get that purrfect portrait.
4. Watch Your Fingers
There’s nothing like clicking to capture a perfect moment, only to realize you blocked the shot with your finger. Keep your fingers away from your phone or camera lens and you’re getting the full view.
5. Focus on the Surroundings
While your cat may look adorable curled up in a ball, no one wants to see that pile of dirty laundry next to them. If you want to capture them sleeping, maybe clean up their surroundings a bit before you snap a picture.
6. Wait For the Golden Hour
Harsh sun or darkness can both ruin an otherwise great picture, and fluorescent lights add a yellow hue to your photos. Wait for the mid-morning or early evening sunshine to capture your kitty in their best light.
7. Catch Their Attention
Having trouble getting your cat to focus on you? Hold your camera with one hand and use hand motions, a toy or a treat in the other to capture your cat’s attention and train their eyes toward your camera. Then snap a photo of your cat staring deep into your soul.
8. Focus on Their Eyes
If you want to take a close-up of your kitty’s face, make sure the camera is focused on their peepers – your lens will probably autofocus on their nose instead. Focusing your camera on your cat’s eyes will give you a clearer picture and a beautiful view of the color of their eyes.
9. Stage the Shot
Don’t settle for a boring backdrop – get creative with it! Stage a well-lit area with a space for them to play, set up your angle and snap photos as they have a ball. Expert tip: put their cat tree next to a cute bookcase and stage it with some cat themed décor. Throw a touch of catnip on the climbing tree and let them loose in front of your lens.
10. Treats, Treats and More Treats
Be prepared to bribe your best bud by keeping a few treats on hand as a distraction when they’re inclined to swat away any photography tools. Your cat will appreciate the tasty snack and will be more likely to associate the camera with a happy experience.
Once you’ve mastered these cat photography tips – it’s time to share your photos!
Whether you’re entering our next cat photo contest or plastering these pics on your Facebook page, you can be proud knowing that you’ve captured your cat’s true beauty.
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