Cat in need of a trim? These seven cat hairstyles would look great on your adorable, fierce or fantastic feline. Just keep your hands off of the clippers.

Cat Twitter: All the Scoop on Cats in the Twitterverse
Whatever the future holds for the popular social media platform, one thing is certain…Twitter will always be a big digital playground for the feline community.
Littered with fun, fuzzy moments of cats living their best (1 through 9) lives and whimsical pics of our cats being weirdos is what Cat Twitter is all about.
While Human Twitter can occasionally get tangled up in controversy, Cat Twitter offers a carefree escape from all that — with a fascinating cast of characters (several top feline influencers boast hundreds of thousands of followers), plus a nonstop flow of rascals and cuties involved in OMG-worthy shenanigans, high jinks, and tomfoolery.
For example, the Huffington Post posts an ongoing roundup of “The Funniest Tweets About Cats and Dogs This Week.”
The conversation about four-legged, feline influencers on Twitter starts with a shout-out (meow-out?) to the legendary Grumpy Cat (@RealGrumpyCat), who padded onto the platform in 2012 and set the standard for purring personalities online.
Though Grumpy Cat wrapped up her ninth and final life in 2019, she lives on in the hearts of Twitter users, still boasting over 1.5 million followers. Her online fame made her into a mini-industry and even a movie star (voiced by Aubrey Plaza in the made-for-TV comedy “Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever”).
Other top feline influencers on Twitter include:
Lil Bub (@IAMLILBUB; 828k followers) — According to her profile, “Lil BUB is a one-of-a-kind space cat. Since landing on Earth, she’s raised over $500,000 for homeless pets, and changed thousands of lives for the better.” She is also the subject of a pretend documentary.
Curious Zelda (@Curious Zelda; 207k followers) — Twitter profile: “I am Zelda the Cat. Hunter of house flies and keeper of string. Easily startled. Often caught staring. Author of book.”
Larry the Cat (@Number10cat; 806k followers) — Across the pond in Great Britain, Larry the Cat is the unofficial mascot at 10 Downing Street, home of the prime minister. He identifies as: “Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office. 15-year-old tabby. Living with my fifth Prime Minister.”
Cole & Marmalade (@ColeTheBlackCat; 139k followers) — With a net worth estimated at $500,000 (more than many humans!), this dynamic duo also fronts a popular YouTube channel and boasts 2.3 million fans on Facebook.
Twitter also has numerous accounts dedicated to sharing a steady stream of fun feline slices of life like these:
- Timelapse of cats following a sunbeam (over half a million likes and climbing fast!)
- A feline diva strutting the catwalk in her Halloween costume (from @TweetsOfCats; 327k followers)
- Rainbow kitty in the sun (146k likes)
Here are several of the many Twitter accounts focused on taking a daily deep dive into the lives of our endlessly entertaining, occasionally inscrutable, always lovable feline friends.
- Cats with Jobs (aka @CatWorkers; 1.3 million)
- Meowed (aka @Meowed; 275k followers)
- Cats with Confusing Auras (aka @Cat_Auras; 462k followers)
- Show Your Cat (146k followers) and Don’t Show Your Cat (270k followers)
- Cutest Cats (aka @FullCatHouse; aka Cutest Cats; 33k followers)
- Cats (aka @TikTokCattos; 110k followers)
Does your cat like getting frisky on social media?
Another great feline Twitter account to follow is … ours! Currently clawing our way toward 15,000 followers, our feed features fun, frolicsome posts as well as helpful information on how to help your cat thrive.
Check us out at World’s Best Cat Litter (aka @bestcatlitter)!