Wondering whether CBD is safe for your cat? Learn more about what CBD is, why it’s used as a treatment for cats, why it is controversial and how to decide if it’s the right option for your feline.

6 Tips On Photographing Your Cat
Our friend Tamar writes about single life in the big city with her many cat companions on her popular blog I Have Cat.
The name of her blog was a response to the way people spoke of single women of a certain age with cat(s). In hushed tones and never in mixed company. “Oh, did you hear? She has shingles,” “She had a gastric bypass”, “She has cats!”
Tamar refuses to fall prey to the crazy cat lady stereotype and wears her cat hair free black clothing as a badge of honor (though she admits to investing a small fortune in lint rollers). She strongly believes that being social and stylish need not be mutually exclusive from cat ownership.
More than one friend has told me recently I should consider going into pet photography. One Facebook fan actually inquired as to what lens I’d used to capture a particularly close shot of Petie’s nose. I had to admit to using a point-and-shoot (a Canon Powershot SD780 IS). Needless to say, having had no formal training, I’m flattered.
6 Tips for Getting Great Photos of Your Cat
So here are six I HAVE CAT photography tips for regular folks with point-and-shoot cameras who want to improve the quality of their pet photographs. Hope you find them helpful and that they inspire you to take more pictures of your furry friends!
1. Keep your camera close by at all times.
2. Don’t use flash.
3. Experiment with angles.
4. Get up in there!
5. Focus on different body parts.
6. Play with cropping.
Do you have any pet photo taking tips to share? Bring it on!
Best regards,