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6 Tips On Photographing Your Cat


Our friend Tamar writes about single life in the big city with her many cat companions on her popular blog I Have Cat.

The name of her blog was a response to the way people spoke of single women of a certain age with cat(s). In hushed tones and never in mixed company. “Oh, did you hear? She has shingles,” “She had a gastric bypass”, “She has cats!”

Tamar refuses to fall prey to the crazy cat lady stereotype and wears her cat hair free black clothing as a badge of honor (though she admits to investing a small fortune in lint rollers). She strongly believes that being social and stylish need not be mutually exclusive from cat ownership.



World’s Best Cat Litter® Catvocates are a diverse group of writers and bloggers that are focused on all things cat-related! And this talented lineup is helping us spread the word about Hassle-Free Cat Care™ throughout 2013.



More than one friend has told me recently I should consider going into pet photography. One Facebook fan actually inquired as to what lens I’d used to capture a particularly close shot of Petie’s nose. I had to admit to using a point-and-shoot (a Canon Powershot SD780 IS). Needless to say, having had no formal training, I’m flattered.

6 Tips for Getting Great Photos of Your Cat

So here are six I HAVE CAT photography tips for regular folks with point-and-shoot cameras who want to improve the quality of their pet photographs. Hope you find them helpful and that they inspire you to take more pictures of your furry friends!

1. Keep your camera close by at all times.


I keep mine in the drawer in my coffee table so it’s always on hand within reach so as not to disturb the kitty moment I’m trying to capture. How many times have you gone off to find your camera only to come back and find your cat is no longer doing that funny/cute/sweet thing you wanted to photograph?

2. Don’t use flash.


Without flash it’s harder for people to see the dust on your wood floors and you’ll also be able to capture more detail while avoiding laser eye cats!  Beware – without flash, you’ll have to have a very steady hand. I find it’s helpful to prop my elbow up on a piece of furniture or even just put the camera on top of a table.

3. Experiment with angles.


Some of the best photos I’ve taken have come about by my placing the camera on the floor and shooting at cat-level. This usually means I too am flat on my stomach! Another fun thing to try is shooting from above your cat. I’ve gotten some neat pictures of Kip’s face from top down when he was sprawled on the ground.

4. Get up in there!


Don’t be afraid to get up-close and personal. Approach slowly and quietly (I love taking pictures of my cats when they are sleeping and then I can catch them as they wake up trying to get their bearings).

5. Focus on different body parts.


A paw, a nose. Don’t always take the full face or full body shot.

6. Play with cropping.


Who says you need to get your cat’s entire face or body in-frame. Go crazy!

Do you have any pet photo taking tips to share? Bring it on!

Best regards,

The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are solely those of our guest blogger and do not represent the position or opinion of World’s Best Cat Litter®.