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As the Planet Prepares for Earth Day #40, Cat Owners Seek Everyday Green Solutions for Their Pets Superior Odor Control

World’s Best Cat Litter® Is the Pet-, People- and Planet-Safe Choice

Muscatine, IA – January 4, 2010— With the 40th anniversary of Earth Day approaching this April, more people than ever are trying to live « green. » This consumer behavior is impacting many industries, including the pet industry, with pet owners extending their eco-consciousness to food, toys and other products for their pets. With 93.6 million household cats in the U.S. alone, eco-conscious cat owners are seeking earth-friendly cat litter to reduce the huge volumes of « earth-unfriendly » litter — containing clay and artificial ingredients — that go to the landfills each year.

A Pet-, People- and Planet-Safe Solution – World’s Best Cat Litter®: 100% Natural. 110% Performance.™ A unique pet-, people- and planet-friendly cat litter solution is World’s Best Cat Litter® – the only all-natural, whole-kernel corn litter that is:

  • Chemical free (no synthetic chemicals, clays or perfumes).

With scientifically tested performance, World’s Best Cat Litter® is the only litter with a patented formula that harnesses the microporous power of all-natural, whole-kernel corn to provide outstanding odor control, compact clumping on contact (easy clean up), long-lasting use (2-3 times longer than other clumping litters, using less litter and saving money) and a safer solution for pets, people and our planet alike. Unlike most cat litters that are mined from clay or artificially produced, World’s Best Cat Litter® is all-natural and safe for cats and kittens (over 8 weeks) without worry of ingestion, dust or allergy problems – and is especially suitable for sensitive pets and people. Made from a renewable resource, World’s Best Cat Litter® provides a healthy, safe litter with no synthetic chemicals, clays or perfumes.

« Clearing the Air » and Green Pet Tips at
With a bold new package rolling out nationwide currently and the launch of a dynamic, consumer-friendly Web site,, World’s Best Cat Litter® is reaching out to cat owners through fun and informative programs, including:

  • Cat-centric updates, videos, coupons and news in the « Clearing the Air » blog
  • News, updates and exclusive discounts via Facebook and Twitter
  • Other ongoing community initiatives across the U.S. for cats and their owners.

Director of Sales and Marketing, Paul Zobel, of World’s Best Cat Litter® states, « Through many educational initiatives, we are working to help explain both the environmental and product benefits of using World’s Best Cat Litter®. Every day people are looking for simple ways to help with the environment and once informed about our litter, people really like the idea of using a great performing litter that is 100% natural and environmentally friendly. »

Green and Pet-friendly Programs
Due to its high-quality, superior performance and « green » attributes, World’s Best Cat Litter® has been invited to participate in a number of green and pet-friendly outreach programs, including:

  • « Earth Day in Hollywood 2010 » – providing environmentally conscious celebrities with select green gifts; celebrities include Jake Gyllenhaal, Cameron Diaz, George Clooney, Courteney Cox, Sting and Ellen DeGeneres
  • « Hollywoof » – providing cat litter to celebrities who own both cats and dogs and who want only the best for their pets; celebrities include Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus, Martha Stewart and Tori Spelling
  • Select charities that aid cats across the U.S.

Product Availability
World’s Best Cat Litter® is available at pet specialty stores (PetSmart and PETCO), independent pet stores and select grocery stores nationwide. It is available in 7-lb., 8-lb, 17-lb. and 34-lb. bags, and it costs $7.99 to $34.99. For information about World’s Best Cat Litter® and where to buy, please go to

World’s Best Cat Litter® is a pet-, people- and planet-safe cat litter made with whole-kernel corn and other natural ingredients using a patented scientific process that delivers advanced odor control and clumping. Using no synthetic chemicals, clays or perfumes, World’s Best Cat Litter® is all natural. World’s Best Cat Litter® is available in pet specialty stores (PetSmart and PETCO), independent pet stores and select grocery stores. World’s Best Cat Litter® is produced by GPC Pet Products, which is headquartered in Muscatine, Iowa.

Media Contact: Jeanie Ryan at 603-235-5266 or Web site: